Redundant Acronym Phrases

A Redundant Acronym Phrase (RAP) is a phrase containing an acronym plus a word or phrase such that, when the acronym is expanded, the phrase would contain a redundancy. This is best illustrated by an example: ATM machine. ATM is an acronym for automated teller machine. Thus, ATM machine really means Automated Teller Machine machine. Similarly, RAP phrase means Redundant Acronym Phrase phrase.

The term RAP phrase was coined in 1985 and first appeared on the Internet in 1995 as a category in the IRC game Chaos. This phenomenon was later described using other terms, such as RAS syndrome (Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome), coined in 2001, or PNS syndrome (PIN Number Syndrome syndrome).

Following is a list of phrases which are, or have been, used:

The most common ones
AC current Alternating Current current
ATM machine Automated Teller Machine machine
DAT tape Digital Audio Tape tape
DC current Direct Current current
HIV virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus virus
IRA account Individual Retirement Account account
LAN network Local Area Network network
LCD display Liquid Crystal Display display
PIN number Personal Identification Number number
RF frequency Radio Frequency frequency
SALT talks Strategic Arms Limitation Talks talks
UPC code Universal Product Code code
Less common ones:
AFC conferenceAmerican Football Conference conference
ARM mortgage Adjustable Rate Mortgage mortgage
BBS system Bulletin Board System system
CGA adapter Color Graphics Adapter adapter
CPI index Consumer Price Index index
DC Comics Detective Comics Comics
DOS system Disk Operating System system
EGA adapter Enhanced Graphics Adapter adapter
GIF format Graphic Interchange Format format
GOB Bluth George Oscar Bluth Bluth
(a character from the TV show Arrested Development)
IBM machines International Business Machines machines
IRC chat Internet Relay Chat chat
ISBN number International Standard Book Number number
KFC chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken chicken
LPG gas Liquid Propane Gas gas
MASH hospitalMobile Army Surgical Hospital hospital
MIDI interfaceMusical Instrument Digital Interface interface
NFC conferenceNational Football Conference conference
NPR radio National Public Radio radio
OPEC countriesOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries countries
PDF format Portable Document Format format
POST test Power On Self Test test
RAM memory Random Access Memory memory
RISC computerReduced Instruction Set Computer computer
ROM memory Read Only Memory memory
RPN notation Reverse Polish Notation notation
SAT test Scholastic Assessment (Aptitude) Test test
SAM missile Surface-to-Air Missile missile
START talks Strategic Arms Reduction Talks talks
START treaty Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty treaty
TWA airlines Trans World Airlines airlines
UL laboratoriesUnderwriters Laboratories laboratories
USGS survey United States Geological Survey survey
VAT tax Value Added Tax tax
VGA adapter Variable Graphics Adapter adapter
VIN number Vehicle Identification Number number
Special cases:
RAP phraseRedundant Acronym Phrase phrase
RAS syndrome Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome
PNS syndrome PIN Number Syndrome syndrome
  (Personal Identification Number Number Syndrome syndrome)
Some more obscure ones:
ADD disorder Attention Deficit Disorder disorder
AIDS syndromeAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome syndrome
AM modulationAmplitude Modulation modulation
ATC control Air Traffic Control control
CD disc Compact Disc disc
COBOL languageCommon Business-Oriented Language language
CPU unit Central Processing Unit unit
CS/DS/ES/SS segment Code/Data/Extra/Stack Segment segment
EBCDIC code Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code code
FM modulationFrequency Modulation modulation
HTML languageHyper Text Markup Language language
IP pointer Instruction Pointer pointer
LEM module Lunar Excursion Module module
PC circuit Printed Circuit circuit
PERL languagePractical Extraction and Reporting Language language
PIF file Program Information File file
UHF frequencyUltra-High Frequency frequency
UN nations United Nations nations
UNIVAC computerUniversal Automatic Computer computer
UPI internationalUnited Press International international
VHF frequencyVery High Frequency frequency

If you would like to suggest some possible redundant acronym phrases, or if you have any comments or suggestions, please, let us know.

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